Biomechanical and Gait analysis assessments

Examination of the forces acting on the body and the effects this produces is known as Biomechanics. It is recognized that abnormal stance or gait (the way we stand) can be the cause of postural problems which commonly include pain in the following areas:

The factors to consider as to why this happens may include high arched or flat feet, leg length differences (acquired or structural). Rapid or increased wear on the soles or heels of shoes, muscle cramps such as the calf/foot, unstable ankles and toe deformities. Majority are caused by compensation as a result of either poor mal-alignment or simply a previous injury.
Recognition of abnormal foot and lower limb biomechanics should always be addressed at it earliest possible stage, this can often avoid injury as well as the prevention future injury. This especially applies to children in relation to feet and walking problems which may be corrected during growth.
Remember, compensation is not always normal or acceptable, nor should any person feel or believe that nothing can be done.

Gait analysis

Gait analysis involves the study of locomotion of the human body. It`s aim is to observe body mechanics and activity of the muscles. The aim is to assess, plan, and treat individuals who have conditions which affect their ability to walk or run correctly. It is also commonly used in sports biomechanics to help athletes run more efficiently and to identify posture or movement related problems


On your initial consultation an examination will be carried out and diagnosis formulated. Treatment options will be explained and advice given. On occasion GP referral or X-rays may be warranted where recommendations will be given at the time of assessment. Your initial appointment and treatment plans may involve:

Here at First Step Clinic our podiatrist is in the unique position of being able to evaluate, diagnose, and treat your concerns.  If orthotics or insoles are indicated, they will utilise our bespoke work shop to design and create the most advanced form of treatment for you.
We can provide the following advice for :


First Step Clinics products are specially designed, each are tailor made in our own workshops, to be worn inside the shoe in order to control abnormal foot function and/or accommodate painful areas of the foot/lower limb.

We understand that properly designed devices help to compensate for impaired foot function by means of controlling the abnormal motion across the joints of the foot. This can often result in a dramatic improvement in symptoms.

Simply applying a foot arch support is not always sufficient and to a certain extent can make things even worse. Finding the root cause of your poor biomechanics is essential, bringing the movements of your feet, knees and legs back into synchronisation can give an improvement.

If under or over pronating feet are not correctly supported, you may suffer with not only arthritic related pain in your feet, but toe deformities, heel pain, shin/calf pain, knee pain, hip and back problems. Accurate diagnosis and assessment of your body's gait and biomechanics is essential to the treatment of your presenting pain

Orthotics and insoles are medical devices and as we recommend that you should not attempt to self-treat complex biomechanical issues with off the shelf orthotics.

All First Step Clinics orthotics and insoles are prescribed and custom made for your feet. As they are bespoke made to measure they should not be confused with over the counter arch supports. Shop brought orthotics can however, occasionally help with minor discomfort but frequently fail as they do not properly control foot function therefore in some cases often exacerbate the problem further.

Sports Orthotics and Insoles

Standard orthotics and insoles are appropriate for most activities, however this would not cover those which involve excessive impact on the feet, knees, hips and backs.

First Step Clinics fabricated sports orthotics and insoles are made for higher demands of specific sports such as running, basketball, high impact aerobics and racquet sports. All of which involve considerable ground impact.